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[RC] Eohippus Discussion - Kristene Smuts

For the "unenlightened", they are. . . ?"    (you did start this ;0)    

OK, I'll start from a quote on the web page (you DID ask, didn't you?) ;-)) 

The Evolution of the Horse as commonly shown in textbooks was proven wrong 
over 40 years ago. But today it is still in the High school textbooks. 
Why? Because there are some misinformed people who still believe that the Horse 
has evolved. They have ignored the evidence to the contrary, or simply haven't 
read it at all. They are either unaware of the evidence or are willingly 
ignorant (as the bible says) and ignore it. 
The "Hyracotherium" was first found in Europe. It was then renamed "Eohippus" 
and used as as evidence for evolution. The Eohippus had 4 toes on his front 
feet, and 3 toes on his hind feet("modern" horses only have one toe ).
The smallest horses are not older than the bigger horses (as evolution would 
require). But they are arranged in textbooks in such a way that you would 
believe they were. 
Evolutionists believe that the smaller horses evolved into the bigger ones. But 
the dating method they use ( strata layer based on the geologic column ) 
contradicts their own beliefs. Not only this, but Peter Hastie claims that 
sometimes 2 of the alleged progressive forms were buried together. Meaning that 
they lived at the same time, and could not be ancestral to the other (they 
should be seperated by millions of years) 
"If it were true, you would expect to find the earliest horse fossils in the 
lowest rock strata. But you don't. In fact, bones of the supposed "earliest" 
horses have been found at or near the surface. Sometimes they are found right 
next to modern horse fossils!" 
(quote from: "What's Happened to the Horse?" by Peter Hastie First published 
in: Creation 17(4):14-16 Sept.-Nov. 1995) 
Updates to this page will examine whether Hastie's claims are true. >>

Heidi, what do you think the colour genetics would have said about this?

South Africa

===========================================================The air of heaven is 
that which blows between a horse`s ears.
~  Arabian Proverb

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