[RC] Abettas (was Best saddles for under $1000) - Kristen A. Fisher
I was initially using a friend's Synergist (my 2 closest
endurance buddies swear by them) but had *awful* problems with my ankles from
the twist in the fenders. Maybe it was because the saddle was custom made for
her, but I didn't really want to spend $2,000+++ to hope that a custom one for
me would be OK. I tried a Tucker and it fit us well; I was about to buy it
($1,200+) when I tried a used Abetta. I was sick and tired of spending all this
time testing saddles and not RIDING, so I really wanted to hate the Abetta, but
it fits me great and I am very secure in it, and no more fender twist
However, as Rae mentioned, it may be a bit too tight
below the withers for my guy (some other issues have cropped up as well so we
can't narrow the issue to the saddle yet). But if we do, has anyone tried the
Abetta Arabian model? How does the tree differ? Can you get a wider tree on an
Abetta? If the saddle does turn out to be a problem for him, I would get another
Abetta to better fit him.
Thanks in advance,
Kristen in TX
From: "Rae Callaway" <tallcarabians@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject:
RE: [RC] Best saddles for under $1000 Question on the Big Horns -
do they have a different tree than the Abetta? My guys only fit in the
Abettas when they are thin and as soon as they start to muscle up or fatten
up, the saddle starts to pinch them just below the withers. Rae Tall C
Arabians - SE Texas