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[RC] RE:The Emperor's New Clothes: Why Endurance isn't, never will be, and shouldn't be an Olympic sport - Jonni

Endurance isn't going to be an Olympic
sport, and it is time for people to stop pretending to
themselves or to others that they think it is: to enjoy it
for what it is rather than trying to turn it into something
that it isn't by running a con game.<<<

In my previous post titled Pres. cup / Olympics I had made this comment
"So, with the money the Middle East has to dump into the sport THEY Call
Endurance riding, after hearing reports and some able to watch the web
cast,my gut says if endurance heads to the Olympics, THIS is how it will be
presented to the world"

If the UAE has their way, and spends the kind of money they have to push
their sport (not OUR sport) hard enough, I ponder if they COULD buy their
way into the Olympics. Goodness I would hate to see that happen. I
personally have never felt that endurance riding (of any type) should be an
Olympic event. But I read more and more things that seem to tell me others
feel differently.....and they are usually not from the USA.


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