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Re: [RC] The Emperor's New Clothes: Why Endurance isn't, never will be, and... - DVeritasIn a message dated 2/21/2003 2:08:21 AM Mountain Standard Time, katswig@xxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:So there it is. Endurance isn't going to be an Olympic sport, and it is time for people to stop pretending to themselves or to others that they think it is: to enjoy it for what it is rather than trying to turn it into something that it isn't by running a con game. I, for one, never started riding endurance as a means to fulfilling some deeply hidden aspiration to be an Olympic athlete. I'm barely a good weekend athlete. "Glory," for me, is being somewhere on a horse, usually alone, and realizing the true nature of horses, as it applies to my existence. And the truth, as I see it, is what I experience can't be shared with anyone anyway...maybe that's why I commit the selfish act of enjoying my horse, on my time, on my trail, in my way. Kat, you're right. What I saw on the webcast was horses going hard for a long time. How it affected them later on, I don't know. But what the HORSES did WAS endurance in the truest definition of the word...what the riders did has already be dissected 'from here to there' and, once done, can't be undone. ---Frank