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[RC] Looking for possible causes - Wendy Mancini

    If it were available, I sure would have liked a metabolic panel on my guy last fall.  I sure would like to know what caused him to develop a left hind muscle cramp.  Any ideas/suggestions?
    1st time:  Hot & humid.  Came in from 3rd loop and he seemed fine but took a little longer than usual to pulse down.  At trot out he had the cramp.  Eating, drinking, peeing, pooping - All A except trot.  He didn't act tired even when we returned to campsite.  I gave him rubdown, massage, extra lytes, walked.  He was off in the hind for a couple days but otherwise seemed AOK.  
    2nd time:  Cool & comfortable weather.  Exactly the same thing.
    Both times trail was rolling hills, similar to what we train on.  Both times we were moving along nicely at his usual pace, not pushing.
    Feed:  timothy hay, sweet feed 3 lb AM & PM with beet pulp added.  Lunch of beet pulp (not sure weight) About a 3 qt scoop.  Always add water to beet pulp.  Lytes before & during ride at about 12 mi intervals .  Supplements - glucosamine.
    It was near the end of the season - 450 - 500 mi. completed in 50s.  In between these 2 events we completed a 50 in VT.  A month later he did his first 2 day 100 in cold rain.  Never a sign of muscle problems before or after these 2 incidents.     
    Any ideas?  Blood levels to be checked? Just would like to prevent it from happening again and I'm clueless to the cause.