Re: [RC] DE Requirements at Different Speeds - Mel Sherman
April <ridecamp_mail@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
There is a table in the article for the DE required at various speeds, but for an example to test Angie's question, we'll just take the slow trot and the fast trot.
I plugged the numbers into a spreadsheet using the KER data. The only time the DE went down when the speed increased was going from a slow walk (2.1 mph) to a fast walk (3.4 mph). For all other increases in speed, the DE requirement went up.
This is really interesting in that it suggests there IS in fact an "optimum" speed re: the discussion about "too slow" following this out, does the spreadsheet suggest a curve? That is, the same horse that does the optimum 50 would require more energy to go either much slower or much faster? That is, either the 4:45 50 or the 11 hour fifty requires more than the optimum--whatever that point is, in terms of DE requirements?
(Too math-challenged to do the spreadsheet myself)