If you accept the Duck's premis that a ride is not a race, that the
riders accept more responsibility for their horses on a ride hence
control is not as critical as in a race, then what the Duck says
perfect sense
Only if the finishers get one point per mile regardless of finishing
position. People going for year end awards aren't only motivated by the
halter or whatever that ride management gives them. It's that 150 pts.
for first in your division.
If you get bonus points for placement, then it is a race. Like it or
not, people race at endurance rides and they can race at all endurance
rides. I've even raced and if by some odd chance of events happens an I
find me in striking distance of first place or 10th place (the only two
places worth racing for) my horse, we'll go for it. And I know Angie
races, I've seen her. In fact I have a T-shirt with Angie and two
other riders side by side on a dirt road, galloping hell bent for
leather toward the finsih line ;-).
Angie (who sometimes races but often rides and sometimes rides for quite
a while and switches to racing, and sometimes starts out racing and
switches to riding all in the same competition)