In a message dated 12/26/2003 9:32:00 AM Pacific Standard Time, rides2far@xxxxxxxx writes:
is absolutely nothing inherently evil about the points race. The first year I got a jacket I did not know how it worked, never had a clue I was in the standings (came on late in the year so was never listed in Endurance News).
Angie I didn't mean to imply that going for points if "evil." I am enjoying the newness (2nd year) of endurance and each ride is a reward all its own. I am a competitive person and have to work at keeping the pureness of rides for its own sake.
I guess I compare this to competitively showing dogs, which was something I used to do. First few shows were great if I got a ribbon...didn't matter what color it was. I remember being shocked at watching an exhibitor throwing a 3rd place ribbon in the trah can right at was worthless to her.
After a few shows I got my first blue and of course after that anything less was so so. Then came Best or Breed and getting points on my dogs. Ribbons were now kept in a shoebox, if kept at all. The points were what mattered.
I don't want to lose that feeling I had when I got my first ribbons. I want to stay innocent in the sport when it comes to being competitive. Once I start down that path of competitiveness, it is hard to go least it is for me. My bad.
Anyway that's all I meant. For me I always want it to be about "that ride I'm riding" and not about some points I may be accumulating by doing what I love. I hope I never lose this feeling.