If you can help Clairese, please contact her directly at HorsSistr@xxxxxxx
She is located in Titusville FL, in case someone is near her and can provide some milk replacer. Raven
>>What a sad Christmas morning we have had ... it is 11:30 EST.
We have a 22 day old orphan foal. Yes, Nissa's dam, Moon, had been suffering from colic the past 48 hours and my vet and I thought we had everything under control. I checked on her at 3:30 this morning and she was fine, even pooped for me!
Sometime between then and 8 AM, she rolled under the back of her fence, walked 15 feet and went down a 12 foot ravine full of vines and could not get back out. We are devastated. Such a sad baby too.
I rounded up some volunteers, as Ron and I are set to give 2 hours of free carriage rides at our town's community dinner from noon till 2 PM. We came home to find my JRT in labor, she is due tomorrow.
We have a recipe for foal replacement, but all the stores are closed. Can anyone help???
Those of you sweet angels that lost foals this year, please give me all your tips on raising an orphan, I have never done it before.