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[RC] OT - A story on General Robert E. Lee's horse Traveler -
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RE: [RC] Moving Right Along -
Bob Morris
Re: [RC] [AERC-Members] Adequan shots? - Magnumsmom
Adequan, in my humble opinion, acts more like a vitamin building block
than a drug. Adequan via injection or orally won't mask pain, won't
temporarily decrease inflamation (though it can have that affect over a
long period of time as it allows joints to heal or rebuild), and won't give
a horse an edge over other horses for that day. It is not a "super horse
for a day" drug.
What it does do is protects joints from wear and tear over the long haul.
It does decrease the occurance of arthritis. Like using wormers, giving
immunizations, and feeding a solid balanced diet, it lets our endurance
horses live healthier lives over the long haul. That is why it is allowed
under AERC rules. So yes, it is a preventative.
MSM, on the other hand, is a whole other ball of wax. Many oral joint
supplements include MSM for good reason, but it is against AERC rules
to compete a horse under the influence of MSM at an AERC ride.
I am not a vet, and I do not play one on TV. But I have been using
Adequan and other injectable and oral joint supplements for about 10
years now with amazing results in older arthritic horses. I do have my
current endurance horse Blue (who is only 11.5) on a daily oral joint
supplement (without daily MSM) to protect his joints over the long haul.
I would like very much to have him miss out on the stiffness and more
uncomfortable mornings in his later years.
The only time an Adequan injection would be against AERC rules is
between the vet in and the completion vet out when any invasive treatments
(injections are invasive treatment) are not allowed. But it would make
little difference to give an Adequan injection a few days before a ride as
opposed to during because it's affect is so long term.
Kathy Myers
in Santa Fe, NM
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RE: [RC] Moving Right Along -
Bob Morris
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[RC] OT - A story on General Robert E. Lee's horse Traveler -
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[RC] Leatherwood's "Ride the Mountain" Classic
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[RC] OT - A story on General Robert E. Lee's horse Traveler