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[RC] Rules don't apply to me! - Kristene Smuts

So, if you drive your car down the highway, do those rules not apply to you?  
Or the rules that only certain drugs are over the counter and others have to be 
prescribed by a doctor.  Your argument that you're a careful driver and haven't 
had an accident in 15 years of driving thus absolves you from following the 
same rules of the road as those who have recently obtained their driver's 
licence?  Or you are a responsible drug user and therefore you have the right 
to be able to purchase any drug off the shelf?

Unfortunately your national psyche is counting against you in that you are SO 
used to having your personal "freedom" at all costs, that you lose sight of the 
bigger picture.  Rules are made for the safekeeping of EVERYBODY, and 
unfortunately those same rules were brought about by the transgressions of a 
few.  If a nation (or other body) cannot rule and govern themselves, then 
somebody in authority has to step in and make rules so that every person in 
that body is kept safe, whether it impinges on somebody else's freedom or not.  
The fact that the majority of riders are careful, do research and deeply care 
for their horses, makes no difference if a few do not.

Any rule that safeguards just ONE horse, in my opinion, is the correct rule.

South Africa
32 Deg C today!

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