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Re: [RC] Horse "holiday" - Born Country<ahem> before anyone gets the wrong idea, Paul is my husband and is just trying to jerk my chain. He knows my Chagalle is an outstanding horse (at least for me). I still think it's a great idea to have newbies (that want to) ride together with a seasoned rider leading, especially those that have not done a CTR prior to endurance. This will give them a "breaking in" to endurance, learning how to control their horse and often, especially on the first few rides, learn more about their horse than they could imagine. Until you have ridden your horse competitively at a long distance (I'm talking 25 miles here), you don't know how they'll react. Trail riding alone or with just one or two others at a consistant trot for 15 or 20 miles and competitive riding for 25 miles with horses passing, the activity at the vet check and even when a close horse and rider are having a violent difference of opinion are very different. Just thoughts here. Esther and Chagalle (who quit flipping when we got the BMSS) --- paul <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: --------------------------------- I think it's a bad idea..... and if the poster of this had a horseworth a flip, she wouldn't like the idea either...... Born Country wrote: As a newbie I think it's a great idea!Esther--- Howard Bramhall <howard9732@xxxxxxx> wrote: I think the Aussies have quite a few concepts wecould draw from. I really like the idea of theNovice Rider and Novice horse. The fact that youhave to earn, in miles and completions, the right tobe called an endurance rider. And, the fact thatthe title can be withdrawn for poor performance.The Novice horse, down under, has a controlledspeed. At some of their rides they have a Pacer, aseasoned endurance rider, who leads the group of newriders at a pre-determined speed. The new horsemust start out slowly and I love the idea of a Pacertraveling with the beginners. This Pacer couldteach them so much during their first 3 rides. There's the answer to the "mentor" program for newriders some have been suggesting on this site. Areally good Pacer/Mentor leading the Novices downthe trail for 50 miles is a wonderful idea. We haveso many people that I bet would love to do this. Joe Schoech, down here in the Southeast, would be myfirst pick. After spending 150 miles with Joe,there is no way you would ever have any problemswith your horse in the future.At a Florida ride last month the ride manager let megive the newbie talk. The words just startedflowing. The first thing I told them was, "you mustput your horse ahead of anything else you want to dowith this sport. That horse is your responsibilityand his well being must be the most important goalyou have while riding in this sport." I went on andon and I probably scared a few of them a little but,I did try to accent why it is we love the sport asmuch as we do. I'm not sure if I did a good job, Isometimes have a tendency to digress. I do knowJoe, Tamra, and Truman can do much better, but I washonored to be asked and I tried to cover everythingand answer every question. My point is, thePacer/Mentor could do this on the trail with thebeginners, first hand, and I think it's a wonderfulidea. Let's set a standard, with a requirement thatit be maintained, before we start calling anyone anAmerican endurance rider.cya,Howard ----- Original Message ----- From: Truman Prevatt To: AERC ; Ride Camp Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2003 2:26 PM Subject: [RC] Horse "holiday" There are some intersting things in the AERArules. Of of the more interesting and one I think the logbooks aredirected toward is the ability of the AERA to give the horse a "holiday"or vaction as would we say in the States. Thinking about this, it's agood solid concept and may be something we should consider. However, some of the things such as thier formallog book system would require a significant change to implement andwould probably require Stewards to manage. While I like the idea onpaper, I'm not sure we need to go that far yet. The log books are also tosatisify a regulatory requirement placed on the AERA by the government.We don't have a formal regulatory process to respond to so a formal logbook system like used by the AERA seems like over kill. __________________________________Do you Yahoo!?New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.http://photos.yahoo.com/=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Ridecamp is a service of Endurance Net, http://www.endurance.net. Information, Policy, Disclaimer: http://www.endurance.net/Ridecamp Subscribe/Unsubscribe http://www.endurance.net/ridecamp/logon.asp Ride Long and Ride Safe!!=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? New Yahoo! 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