Our local vets presented their semi annual informational
symposium this evening and one of the items presented was WNV. Here is the
information included in a handout regarding vacination protocol:
Two doses 3-6 wks apart (with a yearly booster)
Mare not vacinated: Trhee doses
starting at 2-3 mos. of age, 2nd dose 3-4 wks, 3rd dose 6-8 wks after 2nd
mare vacinated: Three doses starting at 6 mos. of age, 2nd
dose 3-4 wks, 3rd dose 6-8 wks after 2nd dose
Any info out there about whether it is safe for
pregnant mares? How long before they foal? When
should the foal be vaccinated? Or will the foal pick up the mare's
Just talked to the vet but forgot to ask
this? Will ask him next time, but wanted other info.