"Don,they are the worlds biggest corporation, even larger that
Exxon-Mobil, and have over 7 billion dollars a year in profits." "Yes
Sancho, but they extract the very last dollar from the toil of the worker and
the very last dime from every supplier." "But Don, 5 of the richest people
in the world come from this family." "Yes Squire, but only 38% of the
associates can afford health care and the majority of them live near the poverty
line and they are the largest employer in the USA at 1.2 million people and the
middle class is disappearing." "But Don, they had 218$ billion in sales in
2001 and 240$ billion in 2002." "Yes Sancho, but they have sucked
the life from many small towns across America and left many Main Streets
deserted and spawned low pay jobs." " But Don, they say they only sell
American goods at the cheapest price." "Yes, they used too, but now they
are the largest importer of Chinese goods in the world. And 71% of all toys sold
in America come from China and 1 in 5 are sold there." "What are we to do
Don?" "Only buy American goods and support the small retailers that
give us service, or has service never been important Sancho?" "You have confused
me Don, I thought I should always be frugal and go for the lowest price??"
"Yes, that is true my son, but when the populace is compromised and the foreign
entities are benefited by the slave labor of their own people it is not
right." "China does have a 200 billion balance of payments with the USA,
and the largest army in the world and are developing to be the Superpower in 20
years can we ride against them too?" "Yes Sancho, at least with the
Muslims we share the same God, with the Chinese they have no God, so we
Ride." "Oh Don, can we go in 2 directions at the same time?"
"Only time will tell my friend." this is a story of fiction based upon an
article in the NY Times 15 Nov. 2003 "The Wal-Martization of America" tom