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[RC] Pulse Changes - Roger RittenhouseFROM Roger Rittenhouse roger@xxxxxxxxxxx I have sat here for a number of weeks reading all the comments and 'discussions' herein. I had to think about how to present my opinions on the issue, if at all. I will try. The BOD members RUN AERC. A committee of 25. There is NO method defined for the riders to force the BOD to pass anything. No referendum, no annual membership meeting where we vote. We do not vote on the issues. All the posts herein will not force them do anything they don't believe is required. SOME (not all) BOD members do not even consider what members say as relevant IF it is NOT within their own agenda. Some will listen but do not expect any major action, comments or changes. The BOD is the final supreme authority. WE can only vote for the BOD members. As one who has limited experience with actually being on the BOD, I think I know the real way things are done compared to you-all who just THINK you know. You just don't know how it really works. A number of the current lifer BOD members think those who bitch the most and the loudest are just problems and trouble makers and what ever else fits and you are ignored and you are not given any creditable acknowledgement of your position or experience. I have suggested a few of you most radical ranters to get on the BOD, put your mouth where the rules and policies are set. Don't like the way the BOD is managed from within - then do something positive but rant here. You may think the court of public opinion and pressure will have an impact - you are in a river of DENILE. The 'power' of the limited online press will do nothing. Ranting harassment will not have much impact. I tried it, the BOD, it was not for me, but for others you just may make a better difference. I could not deal with the status quo, I am not a professional politician and found out I would not 'go along to get along'. How many NEW members will we get on the BOD this time? Most are the same ones we have had for years.?? The same career BOD members keep running and no one runs against them and the same power base is still there. John Teeter posted a few comments on this issue. Add to that the committee membership- sort of runs the same as the BOD, the same rider members year after year. WHY?? NO ONE ELSE WANTS the jobs? Eventually the ultimate power controls... What about the DAL slots for next year any new members want the job? Agenda will not pass, that does fit with those who apply extreme political pressure and will manipulate those who want to make a change for the good - into submission. Its the way it is. Just ask a few of the other 'use to be' BOD members who you never here from ,on any issue, anymore. There are a few of the commentators herein who 'use to be on the BOD' but are not running again, they are just making many 'comments'. You will NOT ever change the way AERC is managed or run and thus the RULES of how the sport is run, until you change the control of the BOD. However there may be some saving grace with Bob M getting back into the mix. The fast fix will not work. Recall some past knee jerk rules and policies that were done in haste without fully understanding the ramifications. Rules were passed on a Sunday BOD and over turned on MONDAY by EO and the EC. LD mods of years ago lasted 6 months. This 'problem' is not going to be resolved with the fast quickie fix solution or 'we must do anything' reaction to make it look like we are fixing a 'problem'. This has to be taken in stages. Lets look at the previous rants of the months. Which were going save us all and the horses from ourselves. Here are just a few of : WHAT YOU WILL NEVER SEE GET PASSED 1. 2 VC on a 50 2. 2 Vets at all rides 3. JR Min Age 4. Helmets 5. Horse abuse policy 6. Term Limits 7. Smaller Board 8. Voting for the Officers 9. Conflict of Interest Policy ops sorry - was passed just not happening. and others that I forgot- and lastly you will NOT see this new latest 'fix-all rule of the month' become law. If you are still reading and NOT flaming me back.. then here is what I think you may see come forth. Place this under the heading of 'we have to do something' or this crap will not stop.. This may or could happen with the new BOD on Sunday at the Conv. 1. Lower the FINISH line completion pulse down time AND the final Vet Exam from 60 minutes to 30 minutes. That may be on the table. AND it is a good valid change, however with no facts to support the change but it should happen. That is, will it fix anything wrong.? NO, but its easy and will have no impact either way. It LOOKS GOOD. Leave the VC recovery at 30 minutes. 2. Set the recovery pulse to 60 for the VC and the finish same comments as above, but it is an easy fix- and it looks good - will it 'fix' THE problem? heck no. On this point, what will happen, the limit is set to 60 then a vet comes along and sets it to 56 then the next one sets it to 54, all under the policy in the Rules that says a vet and RM do anything they please under the cover of welfare of the horse. If it was up to me and its not, I would set this as a FIXED limit NOT to be changed. 3. Effective 2005 ride season That's IT. However its a start. I do NOT see any other major modifications that are required or would have any chance of passing. Nor should the radical major changes being bantered about be considered beyond committee discussion. ANY proposals from the table would NOT be voted on until they are remanded back to ALL the impacted committees for review advice and action. The motions would come out at committee at the NEXT board meeting where a vote may take place. Nothing can be done for year 2004 since the 2004 ride season starts in 3 weeks and since the policy is, to NOT make rule changes once the season has started, and all changes must be presented in EN by the BOD to the members for comment. The rules and policy changes if any, will be made public at the convention in Feb, then posted in EN with a comment period of x. The Mid year meeting 2004 would be when the changes are voted on and passed with implementation in DEC 2004 for ride year 2005. So all these ranting will do nothing to fix the alleged problem; That being, horses that don't pass a 'recovery xyz' criteria are over-ridden or may be treated or may die . All the other issues and fixes are just stuff to talk and rant about. I wont go into my 30 yrs experience since that carries no significance, but until I see some real facts that support this 'new idea' -.... you can figure that one out? Yes horses will continue to die,no matter what the rules are, no matter what the board does and no matter how much we try to educate, its going to happen. You want to make sure the probability is mitigated, then change the way we play the game. (another one of the elite proposals designed to remove any form of a competition from the sport as we know it, and of course fix all the problems.) And one more point, the HWC - its nice -it will provide some form of advice and education not much else. While I sure respect all those on the HWC - they have NO real authority to do anything. They are adhoc, the BOD and the Pres can drop them as fast as they created them. ANY policy coming out of this HWC is non binding, they sure cannot even write letters of censure to the 'bad' riders without the approval of the BOD. But any recommendation for policy and rule changes should be and I am sure will be, considered by the 'real committees' but do not expect any major revelations. Ok now that I surely have pissed many off - again - have it - I wont be going to any rides till Dec 13 so I can keep up on the bashing. I did cross post as many have done. Roger Rittenhouse SE 8263 IF you respond :) please let the subject line alone - I have spam mail sw running and some emails may get trashed. Blank or non descriptive subjects will not work =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Ridecamp is a service of Endurance Net, http://www.endurance.net. Information, Policy, Disclaimer: http://www.endurance.net/Ridecamp Subscribe/Unsubscribe http://www.endurance.net/ridecamp/logon.asp Ride Long and Ride Safe!! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=