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Re: [RC] [RC] comp rides and pulse - Michelle Fink

Regarding horses dying in CTR, it happened last season in Region 3 NATRC.
The horse & rider were very experienced, the horse went into a bad colic
during the ride.  It either died during the trailer out or at the clinic it
was taken to.  Our region doesn't run rides fast at all, but there are
metabolic problems - in the 2003 season I remember seeing first hand some
bad colics, tie ups, thumps, and an incidence of laminitis.  These were not
first year horses or inexperienced riders or unconditioned horses.  Seems to
mostly be problems that were brewing well before the ride, exacerbated by
the stress of competition.

Maybe the underlying problems that cause endurance horses to die at rides
exist in NATRC, there just isn't as strong of a catalyst (faster speeds,
longer distances).  Things seem to go wrong faster in endurance.

It also seems to me that in NATRC, the newby horses that have problems are
more likely underconditioned so that they get muscle sore and pulled, which
may be why there doesn't seem to be as much metabolic trouble in the Novice

Sorry for the fuzzy rambling, those thoughts have been floating around for a
while & aren't as fully formed as I'd like...  (need more coffee)

Happy Trails,
Michelle Fink
(Marvel, CO)


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