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Re: [RC] Burned Saddle!! - Karen Sullivan

Here is another thought....AERC convention is coming up soon....maybe she could post to ridecamp a "wish list"
of things she needs, or post a flyer at the convention.....
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2003 10:55 AM
Subject: [RC] Burned Saddle!!

Hi Ridecampers;

I was  really, really hoping that heading would get your attention, and generate some response. I am writing on behalf of my friend Lisa Keeley. She is  a rider, and you can find her on AERC records, under Lisa M. Keeley, or by her  Arabian horse "Travis".  She is a very nice person who sold me my mare "Summer", over a year ago, and we have remained friends since. How unusual is that!

Lisa and her family, daughter Anna (18?), sons Jeff (17) and Robert(14) were recently victims of the Cedar fire in San Diego Area, that burned hundreds of thousands of acres.
They had been planning to go horsecamping in the Cedar camp area, and luckily cancelled, because of the boys had already gone there the previous two weeks. If they had gone, they would be dead today, they never would have outrun the fire. The fire came upon their home in the middle of the night, the police were shouting with bullhorns to evacuate, but they never heard them. A  concerned neighbor called and woke them up, and when they looked outside their front door, the hill across the street was on fire. Jeff got the horse Travis, and ran with him down the road, handed him off to a volunteer. Unfortunately, he did not saddle him.... When Jeff got back, they loaded the family in the car, with a dog, two cats, a few photos and papers, and ran for their lives with a police escort. They had fifteen minutes from the time of the phone call, to the time they left.  They kept calling their house every few minutes, until at 8:00, the answer machine did not pick up any more. The house was burned, and  and almost completely destroyed.  They are now all living in separate homes. Lisa had built her own feed shed in the back yard with her own hands, she is a single mom. She had just purchased her entire winter's stock of hay. Her custom saddle was in there, and believe me, it was nice. I tried to buy it from her at least 5 times!! I hope she doesn't regret that. The saddle burned to a crisp. Her garage was not destroyed, but later looted.  I am going down there next weekend , we are going to pick up  thousands of nails  off the ground,from the burned fence, so we can get Travis back in the yard. Maybe we can rig up a temporary shelter for her feed, to keep it dry. I am providing a following link, from a newspaper article, so you ridecampers can see that this story is indeed true, and now see the hassle that she is getting from her homeowners associ ation, that doesn't want her to have her temporary trailer on the land. FEMA and the BLM both have been helpful to her. Lisa was given clothing by friends, but then the weather shifted from 100 degrees down to the 40-70 range, with rain.  If anyone wants to send her any token...I am providing her address. Her and the kids, they could use clothing, or gift certificates to places like Home Depot, Walmart, Target. If I can get 100 people to send her $5, it would be a lot. She needs stuff for her horse too. She has a bridle, and a halter. That is it. No grooming supplies, no shampoo, no feed supplements, nada. Anything anyone would send would be appreciated. If anyone wants to just pray for her, or send her a cheerful note, that would be apppreciated. If anyone wants to email the newspaper about the following story, that would also help. I am sure if she gets more than she needs, she would share it with the other neighbors who also lost several homes, and they are all horse people.  Thank you riders, lets get this family of e questrians, back on the trails!!!


Lisa Keelely, 25544 Pappas Road, Ramona, Calif. 92065

Thanks, Beth Glover




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[RC] Burned Saddle!!, beth glover