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[RC] Top Priority - Marinera

I really does not matter whether we are Limited Distance Riders, Endurance 
Riders, ex or former endurance riders, or whatever. None of the above will 
if we don't become proactive to save our sport.

The following two messages supersede any discussion about how we categorize 
Please act on them immediately.  We are almost out of time for our letters to 
be a factor.
Regardless of how busy you are at the moment, make the time to write the 
Bureau of Land Management today.

Thank you.  Julie Suhr

PS Even though you may not be in the Headwaters Forest Reserve area, write 
anyway. Each area shut down to us affects all of us...the domino theory will 
close more and more areas to horseback riders.

Ruth Waltenspiel ruth@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
The taxpayers bought and paid for the Headwaters Forest Reserve.  Now they 
are developing the plans for operation and have proposed no equestrian 
usage.  Letters of objection must be received by November 10, 2003.  Please 
write a brief letter to:

Director (210), Bureau of Land Management
Attention: Brenda Williams
P. O. Box 66538
Washington, DC 20035

This can be changed please write in support of horses and riders.

Headwater Forest---CLOSED TO HORSES

Date:   Mon, 3 Nov 2003 00:55:13 -0800
From:   Constance Berto <c.berto@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Friends, we equestrians are in DEEP TROUBLE if this plan is adopted.
It is more restrictive than a Wilderness designation. 
Please read the article below.
   The BLM regards horses as too "damaging to the environment" to be allowed 
on these trails.  Take a moment to consider the ramifications of that 
statement, for the future of horse trails ANYWHERE in theU.S.A. To my 
knowledge, the 
BLM has no hard science behind this statement, but it isn't stopping them.  Of 
the alternatives in this plan, only Alternative A -- "No action" -- would 
allow horse use.   NONE 0f the other alternatives consider allowing horses on 
   PLEASE take 30 minutes to write a strong letter of 
objecting to the elimination of horseback riding.  Some points to mention:
   This land was bought by taxpayer money and should be managed to allow
taxpayers to use what we've paid for.  Managed recreational use and 
protection of the environment are NOT mutually exclusive concepts.
   Some citizens can only access the wilderness and the out-of-doors by 
horseback.  Many senior citizens or disabled citizens cannot hike or ride 
but they CAN manage a horse.  The Americans with Disabilities Act states that 
allowances and provisions must 
be made in public lands to accommodate such persons.  Exactly what research 
and scientific testing has shown that horses need to be excluded from these 

Please note the short time frame allowed for comments. 
Letters must be received by November 10.  Please send letters to: 
Brenda Williams,
Director # 210, Bureau of Land Management,
P.O. Box 66538, 
Washington D.C.  20035.   
Send a copy to Gail Norton, Secretary of the 
Interior, at
1849 C St., N.W.; Washington DC 20240.
    Thanks....Connie Berto
*Saturday, October 11, 2003* -


The U.S. Bureau of Land Management has released a management 
plan for the Headwaters Forest Reserve, leaning heavily toward 
restoration while going light on recreation.

The plan calls for intensive watershed restoration and 
moderate forest restoration in the reserve, an effort expected to take at 
least eight years and millions of dollars. The plan keeps visitors 
largely on the outskirts of the 7,400-acre forest, limits on hiking and 
biking, and excludes horseback riding.

Released this week, the plan, expected to be approved by 
Congress early next year, will likely be in place for 20 years, said Dan 
Averill, BLM'sHeadwaters manager.


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