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[RC] tying up? - karine smeenk

I'm in need of a little help, please!
I took my little mare out for a real quiet ride this morning. After two weeks of not being able to ride, due to me not having time and weather (lots of rain).
We started slowly, at a walk, a little trot, then she decided she was really afraid for something on the side of the road and refused to go on. After 5 minutes of backing up, going forwards, stopping etc, I got off and let her past the scary object. Got on again, trotted a little, but she seemed a bit off. By now, we are about 3 km (2 miles) from home. Walked some more, turned in a muddy road and tried to trot.. no way, very stiff, not wanting to go forward. So turned around and walked her home. She was breathing way too hard for the efford, and was sweating around shoulders and loins. At home I took the saddle off and could see that she had not been sweating under the saddle, but almost everywhere else. Lots of yawning. But seemed happy enough. Turned her in the pasture with the other horses, she tried to roll, but couldn't get her butt down, just lay down on her knees and got up again. She tried twice and decided she couldn't get down. And started eating.
She has been wormed two weeks ago and changed pasture (not much grass, end of season), she is not getting any grain at all, she is an easy keeper. But she does receive a bit of grass silage of good quality.
Is this tying up or does it sound like something else (what could it be?) What do I do if it is tying up?
Thanks for any answers!