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[RC] Anyone near Philadelphia PA? -
A. Perez
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[RC] Finally ! -
Jim & Drin Becker
[RC] Owyhee Canyonlands List - Paddi
This ride being my first multi day there are a few things that need to be taken that normally you would not take to a weekend ride
First take all your underwear. every pair even the thong you got as a joke for Christmas
Riding more then one day might require a change in style and panti elastic placement ( right Sherry from BC)
Next sunscreen , it was in the 80s for the first 2 days
Parka , hat , winter gloves , then the temp drops and it gets cold
Be prepared for everything
Socks lots of socks, more socks then you thought you would ever need ( the sand and dust made socks crunchy in hours)
Beer, beer , beer breaks the ice with the neighbours
A really big crew bag (the one Steph lent me to use was big enough for a body bag...mmmmm there might be something to that)
I guess she wanted something to pack my body back to camp into if I died from snake fright on the trail
Chap stick bring spares and lots of lotion the desert dies you out real fast
oh yes splints for broken fingers and tape
cases of bottled water
I am sure others can add to the list
Happy Trails
Paddi Sprecher
Canadian Distributor for Dixie Midnight No-Sweat Vent Pads
EasyCare Canada
Biothane Tack, Skito Equalizer Pads
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[RC] Finally ! -
Jim & Drin Becker
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[RC] Anyone near Philadelphia PA? -
A. Perez
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[RC] Finally !
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Re: [RC] Owyhee Canyonlands List