Hi all, have a question that seems out of sync with all the horrible fires in So. Cal, but still have to ask.
I had a call from a gal who uses the same farrier I do and she is in need of a ride to the Oroville ride this weekend in No. Calif. She sounds like a real neat lady, says she really "needs" to do this ride as times are tough. You now, horse therapy! She's a good rider, rode Tevis last year and has a nice mare. I spoke with my shoer and he said she was truly a nice person.
She lives in the Granite Bay area. Might be easy to pick up on the way for someone?
I told her if I couldn't take her myself that I'd try to help her find a ride.
Anyone interested please email me back privately if so desired and I'll give you the info.
Thanks so much!
Also, my prayers and thoughts to all those down south. This is horrible. I used to live down there myself years ago and remember watching the fires from my hill side in Woodland Hills. I wish I was down there now so I could help.