Joane, good posts both times. I just wanted to say that I
agree somewhat but I have also been on the other side. I put on a ride and the
last year we had it we actually sanctioned it. Anyway, we did not give out a BC
award for LD.
You bring up some very valid points. BC in LD is not
consistent,but the rules say it doesn't have to be. Many members, including RM's
feel like LD is for training only. So, if a RM doesn't want to treat the LD like
an endurance 50, they don't have to. If BC is the "ultimate endurance award",
then do endurance, not LD.
It is not the vets who created the inconsistency. The
board and members are the ones who came up with the rules. Ride managers pay the
vets and pay for the prizes. I have put this ride on for four years and have
been in the hole all four years. I do it because I enjoy it. Some RM want to at
least make their money back. That one extra prize and added time for the vets
might be what puts them out of the money. I don't know, I am just guessing. It
is not easy to put on a ride and if the RM can't or won't put out the extra
effort for that one prize, right now that is their prerogative. If the vets feel
that none of the horses deserve the recognition, that is also their decision.
And we have the rule to back that up. So you need to maybe
get a petition ready the next time you are able to attend a
meeting/convention and get someone to make a motion for a
rule change. Let us know when it is ready. Many members will back you up, I am
sure. Or you can put on your own ride and make sure there is a BC in your
limited distance.
Connie wrote an excellent article in Oct. EN, (yea, I got it
before November!) about how RM should put everything in writing as to what to
expect at a ride. So, if you know that a ride is not giving BC for an LD,
protest and don't go. Encourage other LD riders to do the same and maybe that
will bring about some changes.
Put on your own ride, protest rides without BC for LD, or try
and change the rules. There you go. The choices are endless.
It appears from the number of posted and private responses
that I really did ruffle some feathers! Which those of you
who know me know, was exactly what I intended to do----in a good
way! It is interesting to see what some of you read into my
words---things that were not said or intended---and I of course expected
those that get personal in their "attacks" but all in all, it was a good
For your information Jon Linderman, Donna Snyder Smith would tell
you that I am a very balanced rider and work hard at staying that way
since I fight a bad sciatic nerve problem----not a chip on the
shoulder----which is why I prefer LD. I have attended every
national convention except one since I joined in 1996 and have seen LD
grow and develop---as I stated in my post. That does not mean that
there is not a lot left to be done, however, and it starts by sharing
thoughts and concerns in a positive dialectic and not a personal
I also pointed out that I ride in only a few regions and that I
cannot comment on the others but after riding a lot of miles this year,
there are marked (even discriminatory) differences in the way LD is
handled not only between regions but also within the same region.
Sooooo, those of you who come from regions with more standardized
LD practices can certainly point with pride to that fact. I
appreciate knowing how you are doing it as it might help those of us
that are in regions that are not doing it so well.
I also pointed out Maryben that some---no make that
many---ride managers put on great rides and treat LD on a parr with
50's. By that I did not mean "prizes"! In fact, that was the
last thing I was thinking about. If it was only a matter of
prizes, that is an easy fix---money. Raising money for charitable
purposes is something I do in very substantial amounts and have actually
offered to do for LD----but the problem is much deeper than that.
To prove my point, please look at the current regional limited distance
best condition standings. There are nine regions and only four
have any BC's posted and the season is almost over. Of the four
regions that do have at least some LD BC's, only the MidWest appears to
have a really consistent treatment of LD riders on the concept of
awarding Best Condition. In our Mountain Region, Linda Fisher has
2 BC's. Although there are a few others with one, the reason that
our LD riders are not on a parr with the MidWest is not because Linda's
horse would not be able to compete but because most of our rides don't
even award BC in LD. I do not mean we give "something else" as an
equivalent, I mean we do nothing to encourage the concept of Best
Condition which is supposed to be the ultimate endurance award.
The AERC rules say LD-BC is a RM's option---I say that is
discriminatory. A 50 miler knows exactly what will be expected of
him at any ride in the region. They all have the same
standard. The LD riders do not. They may or may not have
BC. If they do, it may or may not be the type of scoring used for
50's. There may or may not be real vetting---and I am not going down
that road tonight but any LD rider in our area knows what I mean.
There are two schools of thought among our vets and that has created an
inconsistency in the treatment of LD. My point is still valid----it is
time to address the issues and seek solutions---whatever they may