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Re: [RC] Ariat Terrain - Barbara McCrary

Terrains run wide and have a slight lug sole on them.  I'm not sure I would recommend them for standard irons.  They have rounded toe boxing and might work for EZ ride stirrups, but I felt they didn't have enough rigidity in the sole to protect my feet from nerve damage.  I have both Ariat Performers and Terrains.  I use the former for riding, the latter for ranch work.  I have med-narrow feet and the Terrains require two pairs of socks (one pair with padded soles) in order to take up the slack.  But I just pull the laces tight and they are quite comfy.  Good arch support, but they do twist when I hike on steep hills.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, October 19, 2003 6:56 AM
Subject: [RC] Ariat Terrain

Quick questions for those of you who are wearing the Arait Terrain sneaker -- I ride in a dressage saddle with standard irons -- are these sneakers streamlined enough to ride in?  I usually wear a traditional paddock boot, but my knees are killing me and am looking for something that's comfy all day long.  Also how do they hold up to wet -- like tromping through a pasture to catch a horse?  Run wide?  True to size?

[RC] Ariat Terrain, Susan_Bothern