I need some thoughts and ideas here... my 3yr old is worked
fairly regularly here at home. We go trail riding a once or twice a
month. My friend's horses stand in a pasture until we go trail
riding. Mind you they aren't worked hard on the trails at all.
However, every time my colt comes back with a sore back and stocks up in the
legs. I rub him down after every ride and cool him out on the way back
in. We honestly walk most of the trails with a very limited amount of
trotting or canter. Here at home he works all 3 gaits, plus extensions, I
like to do a lot of bending and flexing too. My friends horses don't come
back sore or nothing. Heck my daughter's new 3yr old stud (we just got him
a few wks ago and he was about 250lbs underweight) did better then my colt on a
trail. He's been standing in a pasture eating non-stop so he can put his
weight back on and start getting back in condition later. I've thought of
starting to wrap my colts legs on the trails, but really hate to do that.
I just don't know what else to do thou??? As to his back it's sore where
the tree of my english saddle sits on his back, not his
Buffy Spellcaster Miniature
Horses Beware... They'll cast a spell on your heart! www.geocities.com/spellcasterminis/ Yahoo
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