I DO read the RM articles every month and I especially
appreciated last month's! I think as RMs we need to know what we can and
cannot do. I recently viewed some very reprehensible behavior at a ride
(blatant disrespect and disregard for a vet that included cussing that would
make a sailor blush) and I don't think vets should have to tolerate that and
that RMs should use their authority to STOP abuse of vets and volunteers.
It is only a few riders that behave this way but it still shouldn't be tolerated
and I think we RMs should step up and take a stand. Of course, no one will
probably believe us when we warn against this kind of behavior until we actually
remove a completion or DQ someone from a ride but someone has to do it,
unpopular though it may seem. As a RIDER, I would be more inclined to
attend rides where I know RMs have a handle on things and will not tolerate
infractions of rules or just general nastiness from riders. THANK YOU,
Connie for saying those things that need to be said and hopefully, RMs
everywhere will take heed! Even if you aren't a ride manager, you can
learn a lot from Connie's column. Like what COULD happen to you if you are
nasty to the vet or go off on a ride volunteer! :)
Kim, I was sorry to
see you skip the article that I usually write. This column is not only for
ride managers, it can be very informative to every rider. I hope the rest of
you out there at least scan the articles. I try and read all the articles in
every EN, hope the rest of you do too. Don't think I am coming down on you
Kim, just a little disappointed that you picked the RM article to skip.