Re: last sentence....that's what RO is
designed for. Rider is ill, exhausted, injured or just plain doesn't
want to continue. I don't think it's necessary for the rider to have to
explain why he/she chose an RO. And if he/she chooses to explain,
everyone else should be gracious and understanding about it. Why do we
all have to point fingers????
I Think we all have
some non completion on our records that is not acurate. I pulled out
once because I didnt think my horse was rite, and the vets kept saying
go on and ride, they thought he was fine. I asked for an RO but the record
shows Pulled Lame. with no RO mentioned. A person could get real
pissed off about that! but Oh well, we all know the
records are not perfect. .... Wouldnt just ROF be good? I always
thought there should be an RWO for Rider Whimped Out. Sometimes a person
just does not want to ride any farther for reasons that have nothing to do
with the horse. Annie G.
Anne George