It seems that
finding the right balance for the horse & the conditions is a trial &
error. When I first started, only 2 years ago, I was afraid of
elytes. I'm a nurse and was afraid I'd give too much & cause a
lethal arrhythmia. I think it was here on Ridecamp that a Vet
told me that horses loose electrolytes faster than water, different than
humans. Since I know that sodium concentration & overall
osmolality (concentration) of blood is what triggers thirst, it then made more
sense to elyte.
I started by
just using the recommended dose of Lyte Now about every 15 mi. I soon
found that didn't do it. He wasn't drinking, tired & somewhat
dehydrated. Then I tried SureLytes & gave the recommended dose daily
for 4 days prior to a ride. This was an improvement. Then I was
told, no, this is a waste. OK, stopped that. But noticed that we
were back to square one. So, for him, the SureLytes were a good
idea. (SureLytes contain lytes, probiotic & carbo load). Still
didn't seem quite right. Went to mixing 1 dose SureLytes with applesauce
& started giving that pre ride & in between doses of LyteNow. That
seemed to work well, PPED & some really good rides. Then we
had a problem with a muscle cramp at a ride. Started adding Se & Vit E
to daily feed ration. Good for a couple rides & then muscle cramp
again(different muscle, different conditions). Did some more research,
Calcium & Magnesium were the only possibility. So, we are on the next
Surelyte for 5 days prior
to ride.
Day before ride add 1000mg
Calcium/500mg Magnesium
Pre ride AM: SureLyte with
Calcium/Magnesium & BCAA.
Every 10 - 15 mi (1-1.5 hr):
SureLyte with Calcium/Magnesium & BCAA & 1 dose LyteNow. I do have
to get off & it's a moment of rest even when we're booking with the front
runners - his needs come first, food, water,
No more muscle
cramps, so far, eats & drinks anything on trail, A's for metabolics
throughout ride, max time to P&R 5 min. Last ride start weight
942, finish 942. Day 2 finish weight 927(hotter day). Alert,
Is this the right
mix for my black bay, 20 yo., big muscled Quarter Horse? Only time &
rides will tell.
Feed consists of 3
lbs. Omelene 100, 1/2 lb. beet pulp, 1/2lb Empower, & multivite twice a
day. Se & E once a day. 8-10 lbs Timothy hay twice a day.
24 hr. pasture (poor grass) but it's