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Re: [RC] [AERC-Members] students and 5 day rides - DESERTRYDR1

Our school district and I don't get along, for many of the reasons mentioned. 
My son has failed every grade since 6th, some of them twice.  He was 17 this 
year, and last year was a nightmare of going to truancy court and doing work 
crew, and getting threatened with worse.  I talked to his counselor--her 
statement was that he would do just great in school if he would do an hour of 
homework every night.  

My main quarrel with the school district is that they make no effort 
whatsoever to actually educate my son, who has ADD and has been on medication 
off and 
on.  They just insist that he go to school every day, all day.  At 17, he 
would have been in 9th grade again, for the third time.  He went to Las Vegas 
visit my brothers for two weeks in August, I told him if his uncles would keep 
him, he could stay, so he did.  My brother is teaching him a trade, window 
tinting, and trying to get him to get his GED.  

Sounds like I'm a horrible mom to not require him to finish school, but it 
just infuriates me that they insist he attend so they can get those dollars, 
don't bother to teach him anything.  My son isn't disruptive, most of his 
teachers genuinely liked him, they just didn't offer anything beyond the 
that work with the A and B students, who would et good grades no matter what.  
I do value education, went back to college myself at 34 and got my degree at 
38.  I just realize that the US school systems leave a lot to be desired as 
far as actually providing an education.  If I had to do it again, I maybe would 
have tried to homeschool, even though I work full time.  

Lots of kids are able to absorb practical lessons much better than the rote 
learning they offer in American schools.  The best phone call I have made in a 
long time was to the school to withdraw him.  To those who can't let their 
juniors compete in the National Championship or some other important ride 
the school won't excuse the absence, I say fight all the way to the top to 
have the activity recognized for it's educational value.  My son learned more 
from the TV and the Internet and from the things we did together than he 
in school.  Schools (at least in this district) don't educate kids unless the 
kids are the kind who sponge up ANY and ALL info that's presented, no matter 
how poorly.  The kids who have different learning styles just get left behind. 


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