I bought Stowaway pommel and cantle bags at the
PNER Convention this winter in Portland. I have really been happy with these
bags as far as size, staying in place and the multiple pockets and ties.
Recently I discovered the zippers on the cantle bag to all be stuck. Actually
broke 2 of the pulls trying to get them open. I emailed Easycare and they asked
me to mail the bag to them so they could see what was wrong. I talked to
April , the person I had been communicating with, tonight and she told me a new
bag was on it's way to me now. They had opened the bags and believe a chemical
ice pack I had in the bag leaked and caused the metal zippers to corrode. They
had repacked the new bag with the contents of the old(my Easyboots and first aid
supplies) and even were sending the ice pack back(in a sealed container) to show
me what they think went wrong. April said she wasn't sending the horse treats
that were turning green back :-) She did say that because of this they were
going to consider heavy duty plastic zippers for their bags in the future. I am
really impressed how helpful they are being and were more then glad to see what
had happened and remedy the whole issue. It is refreshing when people/companies
respond like this!