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[RC] Biltmore & Hurricane - rides2far

Oh boy. Jim Holland you wrote me last night and asked if I was going and
said you were sick of mud. Nothing even clicked in my mind when I said
Yep. I woke up during the night thinking "Why did he say that?" Got up
and checked the internet and the opening page mentioned the huge
hurricane headed for North Carolina. >shriek...gnashing of teeth< I don't
HAVE TV. I had no idea there was a level 4 hurricane headed that way. I
have no urge to compete while people are nailing plywood over their
windows. :-(( Can anybody give me a site where I can track the hurricane
or at least let me know what the latest they're saying about it on the
weather channel is? I clicked on the links on the story but didn't find
anything helpful. The extended forecast for Asheville is fine through
Thurs. which with my luck means it's going to hit about 2 PM Fri. when I
get there.


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