Now this is starting to remind me of sitting around the campfire of a
ride in the SE :-). Maybe that's why Susan K wants everyone to not go
home till the next morning:-).
You mean you don't care that they don't care about your mind - they
don't see you as a complete person to relate to, they only see you as a
piece of meat?
Hold on just a cotton pickin' minute here. This is a clear and obvious
case of sexual harassment. There are federal laws that govern this type
of behavior and this behavior is way overboard of what is acceptable.
Amber - get a grip :-).
Geeze-oh-wheeze, girls control yourselves. Do you think that we men in
thighs are nothing but sex objects to be gauked at for your pleasure.
On me oh my what has happened to civilized behavior.
Hey, Truman ol' chap, I'm happy to be a sex object gawked at by
beautiful women. After all, I'm used to it! It's just part of the
burden that comes with being me. ; ^ >