HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !!!!!!!!!! Men in tights!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just had to mention the wild color tights they use to make and I wonder
how come they don't make them anymore!!???????? I followed the cutest
butt down the trail one year in (get this) coral colored tights....I'm now
married to that cute butt!!!! He never felt "unmaly" as he really
shouldn't. Of course initially he wouldn't wear those tights either
until at a ride (one that he had jeans on) his horse decided to cut trail
by swimming across the lake and he became soaked as Mandy played
submarine. At the vet check he asked his mom (who also competes) for
a pair of her tights as he was now rubbed raw from the wet jeans. He
was converted at that point to the comfort of tights!!!! (I thank
goodness he was.....there were several of us who would purposely ride
behind him at rides.....tee hee...;-P ) Since the bright
colored tights can't seem to be found anywhere he has to wear more subdued black and dk. green....but, if anyone knows where we can
get coral or even flourescent green let me
Equine Enterprises June
Scheunemann Mike Bernsdorf 10315 Hwy J Cato, WI
54230 920-732-4421 equineent@xxxxxxxxxxxxx