[RC] Fwd: FW: Rails-to-Trails Action Alert - TE Vote Scheduled for 9/4 - Adelia85
One more try to save the Transportation enhancements package. This affects the
aquisition and maintenance of trails throughout the US.
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Urged to Call Congress Before September 4 Vote
2, 2003 - The vote has been scheduled, and the fate of Transportation
Enhancements (TE) will hang in the balance when the FY04 transportation
appropriations bill (H.R. 2989) is considered on the House floor Thursday
morning.As passed by the House
Appropriations Committee, H.R. 2989 would eliminate funding for TE - the largest
source of funding for trails and other bicycle/pedestrian facilities.We need your help to save
Enhancements when the bill is considered by the full
to TE, America's communities enjoy over 17,000 small-scale, locally initiated
transportation projects that promote health, safety, economic development and
community pride.From trails and
sidewalks, to wildlife crossings and train station restorations, TE projects
allow communities to
make transportation investment decisions that greatly enhance their quality of
we achieve all this at a cost of about one and a half cents per federal surface
transportation dollar.
H.R. 2989 would zero out TE funding, while increasing highway spending by $4.5
billion more than the President even requested!It simply doesn't make sense to raid
this small, successful program while finding billions more dollars for
RTC is
fighting back and finding supporters in Congress.Reps. Tom Petri (R-WI), John Olver
(D-MA) and others are leading a bipartisan effort to restore Enhancements when
the bill reaches the House floor.On September 4, every vote will count!
take a moment on Wednesday to call your Representative in Washington, DC.Urge them to:
Transportation Enhancements
by voting for the Petri-Olver
strike Section 114 from the
appropriations bill - H.R. 2989."
offices track phone calls from constituents - your call can make a difference.
This is a crucial moment, but with your help, our vision of America's
communities - networks of trails, walkable neighborhoods, children bicycling to
school - will win out.Thank you
for your continued support!
more details, including information on what the TE program has accomplished in
your state, visit our web site at:
find your Representative, just enter your zip code at: