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Re: [RC] [Guest] coughing horses - Ridecamp Moderator


Hi Shanna, It sounds like a possible allergy:
I do respiratory consulting and you may
have a weed that comes out this time of
year effecting your horse---back East at this
time it is rag weed ----In the spring, hay mowing
can cause it. Give your horse free access 24
hours a day---Do not store hay over his head--
In the East after the first frost most weeds die
and we can see a difference in the breathing.
What is bad about it if not managed, your horse
will get progressively worse over the years?
Has your horse ever had a virus? My horse had
one at four years old. Nothing showed up until
he was seven, than a little cough now and then.
By ten the coughing was worse. He had hay
stored over his head for years and the dust was
seeping through the cracks. He was breathing it
in all the time. By the time we realized he needed
free access he was actively coughing.
Management was the key---Changed his stall---
free access---cut all the weeds in the fall etc-etc.
He continued to compete until he was nineteen
years old---


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