Re: [RC] Drugs and Suppliments - Stephanie E Caldwell
This is something that I wondered as well, please
answer publicly. My mare is on a super joint supplement and it's been my
understanding that with the doses of MSM and the Yucca that she can't compete,
aside from the fact that with her problems she probably can't hold up to
competition. What exactly is defined as a drug?
With all this talk on drugs and the proper interpretation
of the no-drug rule, I would like to ask a similar question? As a new
person to endurance with experience in other disciplines, when does a
suppliment cross the line to a drug? Previously mentioned item was
yucca. What about: chondroitin glucosamine MSM etc. I
understand that herbs can and do have a pharmagological effect. When does
supporting the body systems like the joint suppliments cross the
line? Hopefully this will not foment argument but allow some of us newer
folks to learn.