What makes any one idea absurd? You did not say "ideas" you said
Researcher's which I take to mean scientists conducting research, not pulling
ideas out of the air.If you look closer at many things
that are the norm in American society you will find the truth a far cry from
that! Only in America?Just
because someone has a new idea it's not absurd, off the wall, or necessarly
wrong. Because it threatens something that has been the norm in our lives for
years doesn't mean it's wrong or absurd. >Do you
know what one single medical breakthrough lengthened the life expectancy? Ever hear of Dr. Salk? Ever read
any stats on the AIDS virus and the life expectancy of anyone who now carries
the virus as opposed to those that were infected in the
eighties? Having doctors wash their hands. I don't
see that modern medicine is all that great... More power to ya.
No, more than likely I'll go back to
showing. I can dress me up, and not have to go through all the crap some of
y'all want to enforce on riders. Steph, you
speak with forked tongue. Look at the top of your post about "IDEAS" what I
have seen here is people sharing IDEAS.So where did I fall
off the wagon?Make me stay at rides, demand necropsies, next
you'll be trying to mandate that my horse is vaccinated against certain
things,golly, I sure hope I don't park next
to one of your horses that has not been vaccinated for strangles, Potomac
Fever, Rhino. and in case you aren't included in the Mandatory COGGINS
TEST that horses have to have to cross borders, I want to inform you that
there are indeed Mandatory tests that our equine partners must have, and I am
grateful for it. that I've had my physical. No thanks! I
came to endurance because it had a no drug tolerance and outside of that you
were free to compete and live your life, looks like that's swiftly
changing. Is that what you REALLY believe?
that you can just pass a drug test and that is it for doing the most
challenging sport in the equine world? You might be better off in the
show ring.
I am not trying to insult you, Steph, but
what you are saying just don't jive with me. Maybe I am all wet. But the
IDEAS shared on RC and this thread is to try to prevent death and injuries to
our equine athletics. So far, no one that has contributed to this discussion
including myself has the power to mandate a damn thing. We are sharing ideas,
is what I thought.
Many have talked about education, there are
books out there as has been pointed out for everyone to read. These books are
written by the best in Endurance, these people with more experience than I
will ever have in my life didn't come into this sport just to pass a drug
test. Read the books, if you already have, maybe you need a refresher course
on how to do endurance to the best of you and your horses ability and for the
safety of both you and to other riders.
I certainly do not have such a Cavalier
attitude that I would ever enter this sport to just compete and live my life.
I value my life, my horse's life and the lives of all the riders that I
compete with, and with the rules in place there is a much greater chance that
all will survive.
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