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RE: [RC] cube food - Christina Schiro

The first and only time I feed compressed alfalfa cubes to my horse a few
years back, he choked on them. I just feed him a couple as a evening snack.
Thank god I checked on him one last time before I left the barn for the
evening. He started circling in his stall, breathing heavy, making strange
groaning noises, and had green stuff coming out of his nostrils. I had the
barn manager come out, who then called the vet. The vet arrived an hour
later. In the interim, I kept the horse walking slowly up and down the aisle
and trying to keep him calm, because I hope most of us know with horses,
what tries to go down can NOT come back up as in humans (and most other
animals?). The vet finally arrived, and hours later after sticking hose down
into his nose and throat, filled it a little with water, the obstruction was
broken up and cleared. The horse could only eat wetted down hay for the next
week or two because his throat was all scratched up. So if your horse is a
gulper and doesn't like to chew his food very well first, these hay cubes
good be a problem because they are so compressed.

-----Original Message-----
From: ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Gabi (Ra'anana
Sent: Friday, August 15, 2003 12:08 PM
To: ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [RC] cube food

Recently in israel they have started to sell cube food, compressed cubes of
alfalfa that replace hey and grain alltogether.
they suggest feeding 1,5% of the horse body weight per day per horse.
It saves a lot on storage space and labor.
I wonder how good it is for the horse, will they get bored without hey to
nibble on? will they need more often teeth rasping? will they shit less?
(that is good that means less labor and less wheelbarrows to push, but then
again will the horse be with empty stumic, not enough roughage in the
system?more colic?
The cube food company claims it takes the horse 1,5 hour to finish his meal
because the cubes are so compressed it takes them time to chew them up.

I would like to hear from your experience.

also, they sell it here for $17.80 per 55 pound bag(23 kilo), how much does
it cost in the states?

thanks already




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[RC] cube food, Gabi (Ra'anana Farm)