Here is another story. I was at a ride in the mid
70s. Someone came over to ask me how to get a horse across a mud
puddle. I don't know why me, I am not that much of an expert on horses or
training. But I gave all the standard answers that I could think of,
including just getting off and leading the horse across. All the answers
were 'I tried that, it didn't work!' I must have looked quite
exasperated, trying to help this person was like dealing with one of my
kids. Going nowhere. Then the person said, "I suppose it didn't help
when the horse was crossing and in the middle of the puddle, a huge pig stood up
and scared the crap out of both of us!!" OMG, I was ROTFLMAO!! To
this day, I cannot cross a mud puddle on trail without thinking of a pig
suddenly standing up!! Jeanie