On my 'Road Race' in 1976, from New York to California, i
was so poor that going thru a set of shoes every week cut my budget so bad i
went to faith. Seeing the Amish Buggy Horses going down the road i called
a Miller in Millersburg, Ohio to get a set. It had 3 1/2" caulks at the
toes and one at each heel and i pulled the fronts at the Utah state line (as
quoted on page 60 of The Great American Horse Race of 1976, but... on page 12 as
recently as 1976 the hoax of Frank Hopkins was still quoted as fact with the
only differance between these stories is i still have 2 of the shoes). The
Vets took photos and said i was going to lame the horse and perhaps it could
have to one with weak tendons. But my story of road riding over the
continent came out good and its not to say another story could have not
developed, but it didn't on that ride, on that horse. There are
few absolutes anywhere in life but if a horse has good tendons and some risks
outweigh others i'd say go for it and have on a few OD's. There will be
some who say never use it and they may be right sometimes, and some may use it
and they may be right sometimes. Actually, the Amish used a product they
called Studite, rather than Borium. If life was right or wrong there would
not be room for the greys. tom sites