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[RC] [Guest] Disney movie -
Ridecamp Guest
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Re: [RC] bits and stops!! -
Renie Burnett
[RC] Disney and Hidalgo - Linda B. Merims
Lynne Glazer said:
>, and then the fall's Hidalgo (Touchstone/Disney). New
>news is that the latter has been moved to early March
>release, with much speculation as to the reason why--is
>it the true story vs. hoax controversy? The lead actor's
>other movie's release schedule? Movie too long, back to
>the editing suite?
Now that's *very* interesting. As of late last year
it was scheduled
to come out this July: July 2003.
Then, when the first wave of Disney's press releases
"The true story of Frank Hopkins and his horse
Hidalgo..." were sent out to all the horse publications
in early spring, the date had been moved back to
October, 2003.
And now you say it has been moved back to March, 2004?
I wonder if they're redoing the script to take into
account the fact that it is now widely known that
the story never happened. That would be the sensible
thing: rewrite the script and shoot new "sandwich"
to either cast doubt "The legend says...but who
can say for sure?" (kinda like _Little Big Man_) on
the story,
or to completely rework the story
to focus on
Hopkins-the-con-man, with all the
tall-tales done as
insets, sort of like Michael Caine as Peachy Carnahan
all grizzled and deformed recounting his story
to Christopher Plummer in _The Man Who Would Be King_.
Linda B. Merims
Massachusetts, USA
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Re: [RC] bits and stops!! -
Renie Burnett
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[RC] [Guest] Disney movie -
Ridecamp Guest
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[RC] [Guest] Disney movie