My favorite saddle is a Sharon Saare for all around riding and
safety but it has some weight. The Stonewall fits some sometimes but they
all change and theres not much to hang on to. Matthews McClellan fits most
most of the time but is not very comfortable for the rider even tho its been
adapted with skirts and fleece. The Wintec is good and fits some most of
the time and the best thing about it is you can abuse it like an AK-47 and it
still works. Have a Cowboy and an English, both cheap that work when
lightness or safety are paramount. Rode in Genie SS's synthetic and
like it and its comfortable for horse and rider but just personally don't know
over longer distance. Bottom Line... if you're gonna be in this very
long you will run across a broad need and "...they all change" so keep a slew of
them and you'll always have the right one. Depend on none all the
time and have them all and you'll be covered 'Most' of the time cause just
like in life everything changes. tom