Re: [RC] [RC] New 30 minute rule for 50s - Long - Annie George
Thank you Nancy! All I want is
clarification from some one who knows. I don't know who what or where
this ride was, don't wanna know, not picking on RM or Vet. just wanna know the
rules before I decide what horse to take. Or whether to go. I am not going to
Tevis with Chance , but I may take him to Tall Pines 55 and do it
slow, and he may need 55mins to come down cuz he is a
big-hot-obnoxious- rambunctious-firecracker with only about 500 E/miles,
and he has not settled down...... yet. If They changed the time
to 30 I could be wasting my time and money to go. And I feel that is
why the rule says "in writing before the ride." Lots-a reasons a horse may
need longer to come down, excitement of a youngster-buddy not there- general
wound ups for no BAD reason. Just because a horse needs more than 30 is
not necessarily because there is an actual problem metabolic
catastrophe coming. Or anything wrong with the horse being in the
ride. Doesn't mean anything at all is wrong, which I suspect is why we were
given an hour to begin with. If a horse is not ready to do Tevis should he stay
home from ALL rides? I think most would agree that at the ride meeting you
are pretty well committed to the ride, and those kinds of changes made
arbitrarily could be unfortunate. However I totally agree that if there is some
reason for emergency changes, like the HR parameters, because weather can change
at the drop of a hat, or whatever reason is valid, that is OK. And if the 30 min
change fell under that, fine, The Vets should maintain the safety of the horses.
But I would like to know. Cut off times at Tevis are for a very good
reason, they do keep a steady pace which is necessary if you are to
finish. Apples and Oranges. Annie G.
Subject: Re: [RC] New 30 minute rule for
50s - Long
We agree with you totally on this Annie. Riders need to know
before they leave to go to a ride if there are any significant changes
from the AERC published standard. Just because a change is being
"discussed" doesn't mean it is the "new rule". Although I don't have a
problem with it being 30 min, riders should know before they go. After
all, they could theoretically lower it to 10 or 15 minutes if they wished,
which could leave out a lot of horses. If you can change it at the ride
meeting then the veterinarians (or ride managers in some cases) can change
the ride criteria to make it more difficult for certain competitors
(knowing that competitor's capability/style of riding) to finish the ride.
I once saw pulse criteria changed while riders were between vet checks!
This should really be a no no.
Years ago when the championship was a
series we kept running into "cut off times" at vet checks. Our style of
riding was to set a slow but steady pace from the start of the ride &
never slow down. Some of the rides would be set up with the idea that
championship riders should all start out really fast and slow down at the
end and the "cut offs" allowed for this. (for example, one ride we rode
allowed 3 hours for the first 20 milies & 3 hours for the last 6
miles.) You'd never know exactly what pace would be required until
you got there. (Again, to compare the Tevis, you might not know exactly
what the cut-off time will be at each point, but you know there will be
one and what the previous year's time was.) Anyway, Monte filed a protest
after one of the rides saying that it interfered with the way he rode to
have to ride too fast at the start, it put the ride manager on the back of
his horse. (And the horse had enough to carry with his big fat ***) He
wanted to know what to expect before he spent money qualifying for and
travelling to the ride. His money was just returned saying it wasn't a
protestable issue. It might have been different if he had actually been
DQ'd. There needs to be a balance between giving the ride managers and vets
the freedom to adjust to individual ride conditions, and giving riders the
info they need to choose their rides.
Nancy & Monte
>From: "Annie George" <annie@xxxxxxx> > >If the rule
says 'in writing before the ride', I consider the ride meeting >being
AT the ride not BEFORE the ride. I would think that would clearly
>mean in the pre ride literature sent out to us in advance of a
ride. I am >asking for clarification from someone that knows, on one of
those fine >points that does warrant clarification. When a person
leaves home for a >ride, he is under certain assumptions about what he
and his horse can >expect as per their personal level of condition. If
he knows one hour is >sufficient for his horse, but 30min may be
cutting it close, and he is >investing time and money he has the
opportunity to make his decision. If >the information about altering
the standard accepted provided time is >available to him to make that
decision before he leaves home he has that >opportunity. Getting it at
the ride meeting could very well be a big >surprise. Tevis-Shoes-Kids
are all in the pre ride literature we get well >in advance of any
ride. Which is what I read the rule to say/mean. If >this
is something that has come up in the past, and has already been passed
>upon by the rules committee, or any past discussions or protest,
whatever, >I would like to know. I am sure others would also like
to know. Thus, >clarification from some one who actually was there or
actually knows the >reasons for the change, or the committee is
not a 'rocket science' >request. Annie
G. >Anne George Saddlery