RE: [RC] Nick Warhol - Wild West Ride Story- part 5 of 5 - Bob Morris
wrote <<<<First day- first place and best
condition.Second day- first place and best condition.Third day- second
place and best condition.On the same horse, Do-So-La.Zounds!Not too bad.Overall
many riders realize that there is a National Multi-day BC winner. See the motion
below that was passed by the AERC Board. There is also supposed to be a separate
BC award for the Multi-day riders on each ride! How many rides are complying
with this ?>????
1994Yes LinkBestPoints Multi-day
Best condition for multi-day rides: Vonita Bowers moved on behalf of
committee that beginning in 1995 on multi day rides there be a best
condition award for horses having finished all days and deemed to be
eligible under the usual criteria for best condition. Horses with
the lowest cumulative ride time would be considered. The horse with
the highest B.C. score, to be determined at one hour post ride the
final day, would receive the award. (Points would be accrued at the
rate of 1 point per mile of the distance, plus the usual prorated
number of points for the number of starters, this being the number
of riders who entered the entire multi-day event on the first day of
the competition. )Cumulative results for the year would determine a
National Multi-Day B.C. winner. Motion carried with 19 in favor, one