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[RC] Rascal &training his girlfriend/alone/trail - Laurie DurginRascal's .(to update:He is 3 weeks into epm.15 days on Marquis and supplements. Off his morning feed only, I think it's the low dose bute. May add maple syrup today to disguise. Chows down in evening. Hay all day.First time I ever found an injury on his inner front coronary: two dings. Must have stepped on self. He has never done that before.<sigh> He is shiny and fat and I don't notice any "muscle wasting". But I watched him come down the hill yesterday (pasture is hilly) he has had some trouble the last week, that was discernable. He is'very careful". I heard him stumble, not sure if he went down (i'd looked away,but heard it).Then I watched an saw him stumble some two more times. This was a horse that could trot down hill on rocks and never miss a beat with me on top.>double sigh<.Vet said we may go one more round.gulp.Everyones protocal for treating seems to be different. Then I have to figure out rehab. Some say leave them alone 6 months to a year and others say you only have about a year to regenerate the nerve s takeover(?) of others. And that rehab is imperative.>more sighs<Wish there was better research. Trouble is that they can't 'cause "epm in horses in order to study it,like other diseases. On to other things:After another binge of tears, I got Honey out.She is just about 8 Now.You'd think someone could train a horse by 8.First 4 years shw spent in a large Pasture with Rascal growing up , and was only lounged a bit . and halter broke. I got her , course I had to learn to ried>other thean hanging on ,with the few lessons ai had as a kid. and a small bout at 20.)Not only did I have to ride .I had to ride the "Rascal" who himself was only green broke(ignorance is blisss)(we sort of got takedn by the friend,who needed a good home and the money). So it's been hardly time to ride , take lessons, read everything ,go to a clinic or two. And she was very "reactive" and needs to trust. Took months to be able to blanket her calmly, lounge without her bolting,etc. Also went thru a fence the first week, when a saddle turned .(your average idiotic mistakes we make). Now we are at the , 15 hours total plus maybe of me on her in the last year, walking , stopping , turning, doing cones, one rein stop.D spooking, etc. Course over wet winter ,we maybe got 5-6 hours total(usually 20-30 min at a time.). She actually is 'lazy' in the arena.(did I mention , she spooked once a year ago ,when husband was riding Rascal in there, bolted, turned quick and me and saddle hit the ground?).But the second bolt in fall, she actually obeyed the one rein stop, I was as surprised as she was.(don't know why she spooked that day). So we are going back to work now. Obvious Rascal will be out a while. Now , when do I take the silly(very smart, she opens stall doors, unlessthere is a snap lock on them. and the pasture gate, unless the power is on,and she can tell. Her out on the trail? My DILEMIA IS:I will probably have to take her alone. Champ is hereand ideally,I'd get my daughter or husband to go with us a few times.But daughter usaually stays with trainers family now and ony comes home to do laundry once a week, so chances are slim. Husband would, but we may argue some, as If I get 'chicken' or feel it's a "bad day" he may pressure me to go on. I feel more comfortable trusting ,my gut feelings than trying to convince him. He may be fine, but he once tried to crop Rascal over a puddle , when I told him ,he was just sared, he took the bad advice of another rider and ended up on the ground. I thought of 'talking walks first, lilke a 1/mile , then a mile(me walking too). to see how she reacts . Alot of variables, separation from the herd, junk on the trail, going thru the gate that 'got my hand'. Then mounting up , then going a short distance etc. I really would like to take her out with Champ, but that would probably only be possible on weekends(when we are more likely to run into dirt bikes, and 4 wheelers.) Anybody got suggestions, wise words on how to handle this.?I do need to work in the arena a bit more to get her more responsive. Still "meandering" and pluggy.But think I'd get more "forwardness ,if I could get her out.She is not a horse you dare hit. I have "tapped her ' to teach her to go forward. And had to finally 'tap' her on hip to learn to walke on leg cue. Then she caught on. Otherwise she'd only take one or two steps and stop . By the way , she has only trotted twice with me (one ended in a bolt) , the other a few steps and she got very tense. Last year Charity trotted her once, but was very tense and hollow . I think it scared her. She has to do things in sma steps or she kicks into 'flight' response. She is 32/34 Arab (Khemosabi/ polish) 32/34 pinto. BS pinto registered/half arab.She does have that wonderful floating trot.If I ever get her to trot :}. Back to stage one.(didn't I do this 3 years ago with Rascal?)But at least I am a better rider and 'hang on' very well now.And we do have a trust bulilt up. She actually "checks in with me now' in between freaking.But mares sure are different than geldings.;]er main focus is self preservation, then I"intrude"on her .I will start Scout (2) sooner than 7 years old!) Laurie/Rascal, Honey and Scout next ride 1-2 years????) _________________________________________________________________ Add photos to your messages with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*. http://join.msn.com/?page=features/featuredemail
Ride Long and Ride Safe!! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=