Hi All..been enjoying this conversation regarding LD/BC.
Since that is all I've done, thought I'd chirp in to.
Anyway, I have ridden 3 of our horses in LDs. My original motivation to do it was from a friend of mine that got us into all this horse stuff in the first place!! lol!
She thought it would be a good way to teach me, and at the same time she had her horse being conditioned by me, until my daughters and I got our own mounts. (see how that works!)
Anyway, once I had my own horse, who was the nervous type, I figured it would be good and fun to see if she liked it as I did, and wanted to do more. I was also hoping it would build her confidence and fitness.
Anyway, I learned a lot. My friend taught me to take good care of my horse, and always the horse first! Which I still do.
My daughter got a horse of her own, and wanted to try as her horse loved the trails.
So off we went. Seemed to be a safe distance to find out if the horse liked it or not and they did.
Then, got a new horse for no particular reason, we just liked her and used to care for her in exchange for board. She seemed to like the trails so we tried a couple LD's with her. First one we came in dead last! But completed with horses in good shape! And did another one a week later. This was a planning error. I shouldn't have done that, got my weeks mixed up. Never the less they both did fine and we were number 9 and 10 on that one. Different terrain,weather,and ride.
Anyway, personally and JMO, I would love to see LD/BC. And I think it would be interesting if all the completers were eligible for it. My thinking is (maybe wrong but oh well), that what if a person finished toward the back of the pack with a horse in great shape. Wouldn't that speak volumes about proper pacing at the shorter distance and discourage the racing? I would think the one "racing" if they cared about their horse (and I'd hope they would) would think twice next time about their pacing. I know for me, it would tell me I rode correctly for that particular ride and was thoughful of the work my horse was doing for me. It would encourage me to continue on that path as we developed together in our riding distances. Basically it would put my focus where it should be..on the horse.
As for horses in LD showing up then disappering, well that could be just circumstances.
I know I had them. Things in our lives would change, kids getting older, not riding their horse cause they are in college; horse becomes mom's or dads suddenly!! lol...
Injuries NOT related to endurance...I had one of those. Put my SOUND horse in the barn cause it was cold and snowing, took her out hours later, she was dead lame. No cuts, just swelliing. Real bad scary swelling. Off for a year and better than she was before.
Oh, then we moved, and sold our trailer. Waited a year to buy a new one. New horse to start, etc. Lots of reasons. Also, I change horses in LD's to let them all have a turn if my daughters don't want to ride.
Anyway,I'm sure everyone has a different situation or just prefers them!
Also, I don't see this thread as a "bashing", just thoughts, opinions, experiences, and ideas thrown around. Taking in all the comments are helpful and constructive.
I'm also thankful LD's are offered. I never would have tried it. At first (and I remember thinking this myself) 25 miles sounded like a loooongggg distance; not only for my horse but for me!!! lol...I'm sure you "real" endurance folks are laughing at that one!! hehe...
But it was true! Now, a 20 mile ride is no big deal for me or my horses...and I know we are ready for a 50 or even a multi-day.