In a message dated
5/29/2003 2:03:18 PM Mountain Daylight Time, Merryben@xxxxxxx writes:
is and will remain a race. You can't put the Genie back in the bottle
...then, let's keep
the four year-olds at home. Make the minimum age 60 months and let
the horses deal with the trials on the trails, not the hubris in the saddle.
Or what about setting both a minimum and maximum time for LD only?
All horses must come in within a certain window (like say, from 3 hours
minimum to 6 hours max for a 25 miler). Come in too fast, you're
DQ'd, and same for too slow. Set the pace that would accommodate
"middle of the pack-ers" to protect all the horses from the hell-bent for
leather "racer type" riders - since LDs really are intended to be training
rides anyway.
Then, out of those that finish within the window, pick the first 10
in and judge for BC.
Hehe...I'm still trying to do my first ride (got rained out on my first
attempt), so don't mind me if I don't know what I'm talking about!