[RC] LD BC?? - Wintersdwbob1If AERC ride managers use the BC form as it is now, they will have to use SPEED and WEIGHT as a factor. 4 year olds will be raced, horses will be hurt more often, and riders will go like hell. Now if you wish to submit to the committee that met at the convention and try again to resolve the issue of LD BC have at it. BUT time cannot be factor. You must devise an overall vet parameter score that will take into consideration the horses age, experience and miles. LD are training rides. ASK anyone with 10,000+ miles. And they deserve the right to be heard. If you have not had a horse on an IV line it is difficult to fathom the guilt. Whether you went fast or not. So to reiterate devise a BC form that uses all the vet parameters from all the vet checks, score them and eliminate time from the equation and maybe I will whistle a new tune. Donna