Watching Ed quickstep this incredibly rapid hoof beater by my campsite
was a pure delight. For horses like these, and I think Dance Line
fits in here, we need a special category. Non-Arabs competing
together in a separate class for LDs or endurance.
I think me riding Dance Line alongside Ed riding his Colombian
Criolla would make a hysterical video. Mutt & Jeff and I'm riding
the tall one.
Ed would steal the show! Or, I should say, Tornado would.
How Ed stays on that horse is the initial question that came to me when I
first saw him trot (can you call it that?) by along the Liberty Run vet check
Highway. I thought it looked like riding a fully charged vibrator (aka the
"energizer bunny") with 4 legs attached.
Oh, man, I bet I get if for saying that. Ooops, I did it again.
Sorry. lol.
Howard ("Hey, Howard, what you doing up there?" "Why, Ed, I'm
marking down prices." Sorry, private joke)