Re: [RC] This Joy You Feel Is Life - Maggie Mieske
How true....everything you said. I like the
Take the extra time to do it, because you can.
When people ask me WHY would I want to ride
endurance??? 50 miles? 100 miles? Even 25 miles seems silly to
them (unless there's a beer pit stop every 5 miles). And, you don't GET
anything from it? You don't win MONEY? You don't win
FAME? I guess that IS why...because I CAN and if I CAN'T, then I
want to try until I CAN!! (If I had not completed last weekend, I would
have done it again and again until I had...I know that about myself now....I
also know the obsession is deepening as I am already looking for another 100
later this season and maybe a cohort to ride with me!!! Hey Jinnifer
Plummer!!!! Are you game for Spook Run???)
Anyway, I like seeing the word JOY in connection with our
sport. I know I have heard Dane Frazier use it many times when giving his
pre ride speech. I DO feel JOY when I am riding my home or in
Nelson and I were just talking yesterday about it... how I
feel such an obsession (it's getting BAD!) and why I feel that way. Over
the years I have enjoyed many sports...softball, volleyball, a little basketball
with my nephews, even bowled on a league...but I never excelled at any of
those. In this sport, ANYONE can excel!!! When I am on Malik, my
physical limitations all but melt away. He makes me more than I am and I
hope that I make him more than he is and together as a team we CAN win, even if
it is only to FINISH! :) And I do believe we will have our share of
real "winning", maybe not in firsts but he certainly is the kind of horse that
is capable of winning BC and that is more important to me than first
anyway. Endurance is not only a physical sport... it requires strategy and
timing and knowing your horse and everything that goes with it...good nutrition,
good shoeing, adequate conditioning. The fact that I am short and fat and
a heavyweight does not affect those things at all. Endurance requires a
good portion of MENTAL with the physical (and that CAN be taken in more ways
than one!). Anyway, I think everyone gets my drift. There was so
much more I wanted to put into my ride story that was actually more
serious. Thanks for giving me the opportunity here to do it,
Now if I could just find time for that drooling on the
pillow kind of nap!! :)