I've had an Abercrombie for about 5 years and
I love it (so does my horse). It is the best saddle I've ever owned. It has a
tough seat though and you may want to put a sheepskin (I have the Godiva) or
some other kind of pad on it. But it is by far the easiest saddle to post in
that I have ever tried. I had western rigging put on it because I like the added
leg protection in heavy brush. It is also very secure. My horse likes to
spook by jumping 6 feet right or left or coming to a dead stop from any speed
and I've never come out of this saddle because of the way it's built. I can
honestly say my Abercrombie has probably saved my life on several occasions.
You're lucky to find one. I wouldn't sell mine for any amount of money. Enjoy